Buttermilk Sweet Potato Biscuits


Our Buttermilk Sweet Potato Biscuits are a delicious twist on a classic biscuit. Made with the perfect blend of buttermilk, sweet potato, and orange zest these biscuits are light, fluffy, and full of flavor. They are the perfect addition to any meal, whether it’s breakfast, brunch, or dinner. Serve them warm with our homemade Orange Honey Butter or your favorite jam for a truly indulgent treat.

PREP TIME: 20 minutes /COOK TIME: 20 minutes /TOTAL TIME: 40 minutes / YIELDS: 6


2 cups white flour, plus more for rolling out
¾ tsp baking soda
2 ¼ tsp baking powder
2 tsp kosher salt
2 Tbsp fresh rosemary, minced
½ cup butter, chilled and grated
1 cup mashed sweet potato, chilled
½ cup buttermilk, chilled


Preheat oven to 425 °F

Combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and orange zest. Add in the grated butter and toss in the flour.

Separately, combine the sweet potato, and buttermilk and whisk until very smooth—this can be done with a fork, hand blender, or food processor.

Using your hands, toss the sweet potato into the dry ingredients, kneading gently until a ball starts to form —there should be cracks and streaks of flour, and some flour patches remaining, as these will get mixed in better as the dough hydrates and is shaped. If the dough is wet and sticky at this point, don’t worry, as more flour will be added as you shape and cut it.

Using your hands, turn out onto a floured surface and shape into a l wide rectangle. Fold both ends towards the center, then fold it in half to create a square. Shape the dough into a rectangle and repeat the folding process once more. Gently pat the dough out into a rectangle that is about 3/4’’ thick and 9”x6”. Use a 3” circular cutter to cut 6 biscuits from the dough, then arrange onto a parchment-lined baking sheet—the biscuits can be closely arrange with the edges touching. Use the remaining dough to cut 1-3 more biscuits.

If the biscuits start to warm, put them in the freezer for 10 minutes before baking.

Brush the tops with egg wash and bake for 15-20 minutes, until golden and lightly browned.

Let cool 15 minutes before serving warm with Orange Honey Butter, or making it into a breakfast sandwich with eggs, sharp cheddar, bacon, sausage, and fig jam.


Start with super-cold butter and buttermilk. Grate the butter

Work quickly while the butter is cold.

Do not overwork the dough.

Orange Honey Butter

PREP TIME: 10 minutes /TOTAL TIME:10 minutes 


1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, softened
zest of one large orang
2 tablespoons honey


Using a fork, blend ingredients together until well mixed. Place in an airtight container, and store in the fridge, allow to soften before use.

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